This has nothing to do with sports but is a great non- politically correct statement from a long time friend. A friend who during the first summer I met him brought back free love of the 60's and 70's to the 80's and 90's. In the summer of "89 I met Jim. Whether he was peeping into a girl's window, helping her move, or helping her get her keys out of a locked car it all ended in the same manner with adult pleasure.
Now while out to pasture pushing 50 years of age living Southeast Asia these truthful words might not make everyone smile but might just remind some of what it's like to be a man:
6 pumps in one day for free or by hire at any age in a manley feat.......
some guys take a shot at manliness and fizzle out after a few months or some may stretch it out a few years, then get them self's castrated by some butch, some get neutered by choice.
some guys talk manley after they had a couple condom free love ho's, then their "tender" side comes back out.
but most never realize the beauty of being a man. never understood the thrill of victory, never knew that it was their right to pump..
Sad the sheila's that roam the world never understanding that its not about the occasional act of faking being a man, but a man should be a man, pump where you can, be unapologetic for that
drunken profanity filled pump... it was their right. but they let they bitches and the fags running TV butt fuck them by psychic castration giving them a estrogenic perverted new set of morals.
That's why god mad the third world, where the coyote could still run wild, live as nature indented without the mass judgment.